
In addition to the finest in Art Deco giftware, barware, clocks, lighting, and much more, Deco-Rations is the exclusive agent for the automotive art of R. M. Merchant. Merchant draws in a style reminiscent of the great automotive designers of the 1920s and 1930s such as Al Leamy and Gordon Buerhig. Deco-Rations also offers high quality reproduction prints of a wide range of design patents from the Art Deco and Mid-Century Modern eras. You will find designs for automobiles, hood ornaments, toys, furniture, giftware, barware, appliances, architecture, world's fair collectibles, boats, robots, aircraft, clocks, and much more. Most items ship free within the United States and at cost to other countries.

Deco-Rations Sells

art deco giftware & lighting 

A wide array of art deco metalware, glass, bakelite, and pottery are offered. Also includes lighting and small household appliances.

Art Deco Clocks

Clocks by such manufacturers as Telechron, General Electric, Hammond, Fyrart, Westclox, Lawson, and Numechron

mid-century modern

R M Merchant Automotive Art

Art work is printed on matte photo paper and inserted in a double mat (large -- 16" x 20" ; small 8" x 10"). Top mat is brick. Bottom mat is charcoal. comes complete with backer board and protective clear plastic sleeve.

Design Patent Prints 

Design patents are printed on parchment paper. The primary design is inserted into an 8" x 10" double mat. Top mat is Gray; bottom mat is burgundy. Comes complete with backer board, other patent pages, and protective clear plastic sleeve.


A wide selection of art deco and mid-century modern collector guides